Why is Training Design Important?

Why is completing the Training Cycle important?

QQI Training Delivery and Evaluation (frequently called “Train the Trainer”) is our most popular programme, with busy courses every month.

However, in the past few years we’ve seen a noticeable growth in demand for its sister course, QQI Training Needs Identification and Design.

Why is Training Needs Identification and Design gaining popularity?

Historically, potential trainers were keenly focused on polishing their training delivery skills.

Although this is still true, those in the know are now also seeking to complete the Training Cycle with TNA (training needs analysis) and design skills.

It doesn’t hurt that by completing both courses, you automatically gain the respected QQI Special Purpose Award in Training & Development (more on this below).

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Find out about QQI Training Needs Identification & Design

Get a detailed look at our QQI Training Needs Identification and Design course instantly by downloading our PDF brochure.

Covered in this Article:

What is the Training Cycle?

The Training Cycle is a 4-step process that all professional trainers follow. Its steps are:

  • Identify Training Needs
  • Design Training
  • Deliver Training
  • Evaluate Training
The Training Cycle

Why is the Training Cycle so important?

If you’re planning to become a trainer, or training is part of another role you perform, it’s crucial to be knowledgeable and confident in each stage of the Training Cycle.

This cycle enables:

  • Clear objectives for training
  • Training designed to fit a purpose
  • Logically sequenced training sessions
  • Professional, confident delivery
  • Support and guidance for learners at every stage
  • Continuous improvement for trainers

Without a full understanding of each stage, it’s hard to be sure your students are getting the very best learning experience.

It’s also likely that without knowledge of the first two steps – identifying training needs and training design skills – you’ll be severely limiting your options as a trainer.

Let’s take a closer look at why these skills are so important…

What is TNA?

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the cornerstone of the entire training experience.

It is the first thing you’ll do in “identify training needs”, stage 1 of the Training Cycle. TNA can also be called “Learning Needs Analysis”.

This is a process where you’ll consult with your client or potential learners to find out:

  • What prompted their need for training
  • Where the gaps in skills and knowledge lie
  • What their goals for training are
Identify Training Needs

Without the structure and understanding of how to carry out a successful TNA, this step can be unfocused, unclear, or even skipped over altogether.

Better Design makes Better Delivery

The findings of your TNA will help you create the right training objectives for your programme.

Design Training Courses

Using these findings and objectives, you can begin to design training tailored specifically to your students.

There are many tools and techniques involved in the training design process.

In order to master design of engaging training sessions, you’ll need to know about and master how to use these methods.

How to Get the Skills You Need

Tips for Getting Started

If you’re ready to master the Training Cycle and make yourself a very attractive candidate for professional training, here are some options on how to get started.

1. Secure your spot on QQI Training Needs Identification & Design

Live virtual training means you can connect with real-time training online from wherever you are based.

You can secure your provisional place by using the “Reserve” button below:

September 9, 10, 11 Online Classroom Reserve
See more dates...

If you already have QQI Training Delivery and Evaluation, this will be your final step on the way to achieving a Special Purpose Award.

2. Learn more about QQI Training Needs Identification & Design

We’ve got a lot of information to share about our Train the Trainer courses.

You can get a detailed outline of Training Needs Identification & Design by using the buttons below.

Here’s what some of our recent Training Needs Identification & Design students said about their experience:

icon for in-company team training
May 2020
icon for in-company team training
May 2020
icon for in-company team training
May 2020

3. Talk to us about your next steps.

If you aren’t sure about your next steps, we would love to help.

Our training consultants have years of experience with Train the Trainer Courses (Training Delivery and Evaluation and Training Needs Identification & Design).

You can get in touch by Freephone 1800 910 810 or Dublin 01 861 0700. Alternatively, you can ask us a question online or request a call back from our team.

Achieving a QQI Special Purpose Award

This award acts as a calling card to potential employers. It identifies you as a skilled, confident trainer.

By attending both QQI Training Delivery and Evaluation and QQI Training Needs Identification and Design and successfully passing both assessments, you’ll automatically achieve this award.

Good to Know

  • You don’t need any experience for these courses and this Special Purpose Award.
  • You don’t have to complete both courses back to back. In fact, it’s helpful to take a break between courses to complete assessment work.
  • You can complete the courses in any particular order. Talk to us about the best starting point for your training.
  • There are no additional exams or assessments for the QQI Special Purpose Award in Training and Development.

    Through passing assessments for Training Delivery and Evaluation and Training Needs Identification and Design, you’ll automatically achieve the award.

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