Special Purpose Award - 6 Important Benefits

Why Achieve a Special Purpose Award?

Originally published, 2015. Updated, April 2022.

"Special Purpose Award" is a category within the QQI portfolio of award types. It is an award given for areas of skill that have a very specific and clearly-defined purpose.

The QQI Special Purpose Award in Training and Development is probably the best-known of all QQI Special Purpose Awards.

Why is it so popular?

  • It encapsulates the two courses that fall under the “Train the Trainer” heading.

  • It is widely recognised and respected.

  • It equips those who have completed the programme with the essential skills and knowledge needed to be successful as a professional trainer.
Why is the Special Purpose Award so Popular?

Achieving this Special Purpose Award in Training and Development is a way to show potential clients and employers that you hold a full spectrum of training skills.

In this article, we explore reasons to achieve this qualification and how you can reach this goal.

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Get an in-depth look at this QQI Special Purpose Award instantly by downloading our PDF brochure.

The brochure includes detailed information about the award, how you can achieve it, and how we run our prorgamme.

Covered in this Article:

What skills are covered in this award?

Before we get into the benefits of this particular award, let’s take a high level overview of how it is structured. (For full details, we recommend downloading our PDF brochure).

The QQI Special Purpose Award in Training & Development is comprised of two components:

  1. QQI Training Needs Identification & Design

  2. QQI Training Delivery & Evaluation

These components are designed to cover each stage of the Training Cycle, a framework that supports a best-practice approach to training. There are 4 stages in the Training Cycle:

  • Stage 1: Identify training needs
  • Stage 2: Design training programme
  • Stage 3: Deliver training programme
  • Stage 4: Evaluate training outcome

In a nutshell, the cycle covers all elements needed to provide a meaningful and effective learning experience for students.

Gaining the Special Purpose Award will give you confidence and competence in all four steps of this cycle.

You can read about this in more depth by heading over to our article, “Master The Training Cycle”.

read the article
Diagram of the Training Cycle
6 Benefits of this Special Purpose Award

You will gain so many benefits for your training career by achieving this award. We have outlined our top 6 below:

Respected Training Certification

1. Certification with Credibility

Combining two QQI Level 6 awards to gain this Special Purpose will communicate to clients and employers alike that you are accomplished in the skills required to train others effectively.

The two QQI Level 6 components that make up the QQI Special Purpose Award in Training & Development (award code: 6S3372) are:

  • QQI Training Needs Identification & Design (award code: 6N3325)
  • QQI Training Delivery & Evaluation (award code: 6N3326)
Traning Needs Analysis Capabilties

2. Training Needs Analysis Skills

Identifying the training needs of learners is a vital skill for anyone who trains others.

An accurate TNA (training needs analysis) ensures that you’ll be focusing on the right objectives throughout your design and delivery.

You’ll gain this key ability through completing QQI Training Needs Identification & Design.

Design, Delivery, and Evaluation Skills

3. Training Design, Delivery, and Evaluation Skills

The syllabus for both courses works towards establishing best-practice methods and promoting excellence in all stages of the Training Cycle.

Our programmes are designed to equip participants with a full spectrum of tools and techniques to over each phase of the cycle.

Handling Group Dynamics and Tricky Situations

4. Learn to work with Group Dynamics & Cope with Challenging Situations

These Train the Trainer courses address ways of handling difficult situations as they arise. You also learn about group dynamics and how to work with different kinds of learner groups.

These are practical skills you will need for success in your career or role as a trainer.

Gain Confidence and Capability

5. Gain Confidence and Capability

Our combined approach of practical and theoretical learning ensures that you feel ready to tackle the design and delivery of a module or course.

Through gaining theoretical knowledge and having the opportunity to apply new skills to practical demonstrations, you'll begin to get into your stride with training delivery very quickly.

Get Support and Feedback from your Trainer

6. Expert Feedback and Support

Training in our live virtual classroom environment gives you access to support, feedback, and advice from our expert trainers.

You'll also gain the advantage of different perspectives and fresh ideas from your fellow classmates.

Real-Life Experiences

Here’s what some of our recent QQI Special Purpose Award students had to say about their experience.

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testimonial speech bubble, blue background
testimonial speech bubble, blue background
testimonial speech bubble, blue background

How can you achieve this award?

As mentioned earlier, the Training & Development Special Purpose Award is comprised of two components.

Here are some fast facts about how we run these components:

  • We run both components as standalone courses, meaning that you can complete either one or both components. It also means that you can take a break between components.
  • You can complete both of these components (courses) in whichever order works best for you.
  • Gaining these two minor awards will automatically earn the Training & Development Special Purpose Award (6S3372).
  • Our courses are delivered by Train the Trainer experts, with a proven track record in professional training.
  • Our current Train the Trainer pass rate of 99.6%* speaks for itself.
  • With live virtual training dates every month, you can attend a classroom-style course online from wherever you are based.

Where to begin?

We are often asked, which component should be completed first. The answer is different, depending on your goals, experience, and schedule.

You can begin with either course, but for expert advice, we recommend speaking with our training consultants who can recommend the starting point that will make the most sense for your career.

You can call us at Freephone 1800 910 810 or Dublin 01 861 0700 or click below to ask a question online.

Get Online Dates + 24% Off Your Special Purpose Award

Our Train the Trainer courses are among the most popular we offer, with dates available all year-round. Both courses are delivered via our live virtual classroom platform.

This means that you can gain all the benefits of a classroom environment – live delivery, interaction with an experienced trainer, feedback, and group activities – all while connecting from home.

Get 24% Off

We’re currently offering up to 24% off this award*. The full Special Purpose Award is currently available at €994, including training, supporting course materials, and certification.

You can reserve a place our Training Needs Identification & Design or Training Delivery & Evaluation below to begin your Special Purpose Award from home.

QQI Training Needs Identification & Design – 3 Days - €449 (including certification)

Over the past year in particular, we have seen an increased demand for this Training Needs Identification & Design course.

Reserve a provisional place on any upcoming date by using the "Reserve" buttons below.

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Download our PDF Training Needs Identification & Design Brochure

Upcoming Training Needs Identification & Design Dates

September 9, 10, 11 Online Classroom Reserve
See more dates...

QQI Training Delivery & Evaluation – 4 Days - €545 (including certification)

Our hugely popular Training Delivery & Evaluation course has at least one date every month. It is a 4-day course, usually delivered with a gap between Days 1, 2 and Days 3, 4.

This course usually fills up well in advance, so we recommend using the "Reserve" buttons below to hold your place on a preferred date.

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Download our PDF Training Delivery & Evaluation Brochure

Upcoming Training Delivery & Evaluation Dates

July 8, 9, 15, 16 (Full) Online Classroom Reserve
August 8, 9, 15, 16 Online Classroom Reserve
September 3, 4, 10, 11
Online Classroom Reserve
See more dates...

More Resources and Further Reading

If you’re not sure how to get started or would like to do a little more research on Train the Trainer and the Special Purpose Award, here are 3 resources we suggest:

1. Talk to Us

Our consultants know Train the Trainer inside out. No matter where you are in your research process, they can offer guidance and insights on choosing the right option for your certification.

2. Get our Train the Trainer Guide

Our 20-page, PDF Guide to Train the Trainer is available for immediate download using the button below.

This guide includes helpful information, such as:

  • what defines a good trainer
  • who attends Train the Trainer courses?
  • How can you become a certified trainer?

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3. Browse these Must-Read Articles

Our Train the Trainer blog is a regularly updated resource for the latest news and guides for aspiring trainers.

Check out these articles for your next steps:

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